The people are a wonderful creation of various unique items. Everyone is their own product of parents, family, culture and nature. And yet there are some important distinguishing features to be made out. Recognizing these helps one to enjoy them too. Simply wonderful, these many spirited, unique people.
Where Do The Temperaments Come From?
Historical Background
Wiki: "For a long time, a distinction was made in the European cultural area between four types that go back to Galenus of Pergamon and that were based on the four-element theory and humoral pathology.
The world was made up of four elements, which in turn combine four main properties: fire (warm and dry), air (warm and humid), water (humid and cold) and earth (cold and dry). Humans also consist of these elements, to which the four humors correspond: yellow bile, black bile, blood and mucus. If the juices are mixed harmoniously, the person has a harmonious temperament; if one juice outweighs all others, the person has a distinctive character: phlegmatic - water; Sanguine - air; Choleric - fire; Melancholy - earth. "
Only the historical aspect of this question has been taken into account. Where we get our temperament from depends partly on our genes, but most of it on our upbringing. You know you can make a monster or a pearl out of a person, depending on the influence.
The philosophical question of where we descended from, where did we get into our complex body, soul and spirit, is for me personally to owe to an extremely creative, lovable creator.
It is worth exploring the question of our existence, regardless of tradition and bias. My result was: The probability of making life on this earth possible is very low. Creating the complexity of our DNAs - it cannot have evolved - and creating the miracle of life like this calls for a highly intelligent designer. Where would information, thinking, morality, love come from, if not from something bigger, from our Creator God personally?
Personality Tests
Wiki: "In the 20th century, research differentiated more, but could not agree on any typology. In today's empirical psychology, clearly demarcated personality types are no longer used, but personality traits are measured on a continuous scale."
The Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) and the DISC model, where dominant = choleric, initiative = sanguine, steady = phlegmatic and conscientious = melancholic, have become known in our latitudes.
If you want to take the temperament test, you can write to me at
What Does TEMPERAMENT Actually Mean?
When we talk about temperament, we are talking about the following components:
Activity - this means the strength and speed of thinking and speaking.
Reactivity - shows the strength and speed in responses to challenges.
Emotionality - the quantity and quality with which emotional situations are mastered.
Sociality - describes the gift and tendencies in a social environment.
How we function in a team has a lot to do with our temperament. It is ideal if all 4 temperaments can represent and contribute positively.
Why Should We Know Our Temperament?
Some don't want to know anything about their own temperament, especially those who tend to be melancholic. It's about the innards that could suddenly become known. Fear of yourself can block. Those who are not interested in finding out more about themselves, even in knowing the truth, are choosing to remain a possible victim of their ignorance.
The Truth Will Set You Free
Those who know their strengths and weaknesses can work with them more consciously. He can grow in maturity and become an asset to his environment. Do you want that ?
In my more than 35 years of temperament counseling, I was first able to experience in myself and in many others that truth actually makes people free. Anyone who knows them can react accordingly. He has the chance to decide which path leads to where he wants to go. Anyone who walks through life in the dark and ignorance quickly becomes a victim of it.
Relationships become more transparent
An example: a married couple writes in their diary on the same day
HER diary entry: "Tonight I thought my husband was a little weird. We had plans to meet in a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long. I thought he was because of the The fact that I was a little late should be upset, but he didn't make any negative comments about it.
Our conversation didn't go so well. So I suggested that we go somewhere that was quieter so we could talk. He agreed, but still didn't say much. I asked him if something was wrong. He said, 'Nothing, everything is okay.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't that excited, and if he did, it had nothing to do with me. I shouldn't worry about it.
. He smiled slightly and drove on.
I cannot explain his behavior to myself. I don't understand why he didn't answer with, 'I love you too'.
When we got home, I felt like I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing more to do with me. He just sat quietly and watched TV. He was far away and totally absent. Finally, since it was so quiet around us, I decided to go to bed.
He went to bed about 15 minutes later. But I still had the feeling that he was completely distracted and his thoughts were elsewhere. He started to sleep - I started to cry. I was very desperate, what should I do? I was almost certain his thoughts were with someone else. My life is just a catastrophe! "
HIS diary note: Boot wouldn't start. Can't figure out why.
What can you read from this story?
It's easy to see that these are different temperaments. The woman seems to have strong melancholic / sanguine traits, while the man reacts more phlegmatic / melancholic. If they were aware of this, the man would be able to respond better and she would find out where his thoughts got stuck. It is important to recognize and overcome these communicative limits. Then such a day can turn into a high point instead of a low point.
Many conversations end in frustration on both sides. Why? Mostly it is superficially due to the unfulfilled expectations of the other. We want it MY WAY - don't we? Why not be interested in each other's needs? This can direct the communication to the factual level and lead to a mutually happy ending.
Cultural Influences
The conveyance of values within a culture naturally has an influence on the upbringing and development of people. Can you imagine that even nations can have spirited tendencies? Here is a suggestion based on my experience:
Sanguine: France, Italy, USA, (enjoyment before performance)
Melancholic: Switzerland, partly Sweden, Finland and Spain (perfectionist tendency)
Phlegmatic: Austria, Portugal, Norway, Greece (comfort, calm)
Choleric: Germany (survived two world wars brilliantly and leads the way in the EU)
Programming The Temperaments In Children
In fact, these temperaments can be influenced in children. This usually happens unconsciously. The mother has the greatest influence because she can influence most of the time. This topic is deepened in the blog "The 4 Temperaments in Marriage and Family".
It's unbelievable what babies have to learn. Our whole world of emotions, intellect, personality, actually our personality systems, are 'programmed' into the child's brain. This activates the triggers that are genetically present and correspond to the lifestyle of the parents and grandparents.
We Are All Unique Items
The results of a temperament test can be: 84% melancholic, 56% sanguine, 44% phlegmatic and 16% choleric. From this it can be seen that we are mostly a combination of all temperaments. Even if someone had the same test result, there are still different proportions of temperament. In the above case one speaks of a sanguine melancholic, which means that this melancholic second has sanguine tendencies.
As we shall see, these percentages include not only the good, but also the challenging traits. To make something positive out of the latter, i.e. to form strengths from weaknesses, that is what defines a MATURE temperament.
Any combination of temperaments, once matured, is a wonderful blessing to the community. The aim of this blog is to motivate you, dear reader, to get to know each other better and to initiate this maturation process, perhaps in a partnership. That strengthens the relationship and the personalities. Have lots of fun with it.
Once the parents, and with them their children, have gone through the process of maturation, their home is their happiness alone. The atmosphere of such a family can do more than the finest home furnishings!
Temperament - Character - Personality
We now know what is meant by temperament. It's an important part of the character. This arises through upbringing, education, the development of our values and beliefs, sometimes also belief, which all together form the principles of life and motivators. The part of how someone presents himself to the outside world is described as personality. That can be in line with the character - but does not have to be for people of integrity. In politics in particular, we often find the facade personality.
We now turn to the four temperaments, each in a blog, and finally go into more detail about marriage and family.
Here is a pictorial foretaste !! Do you guess: which face belongs to which temperament?
fltr: Choleric - Melancholic - Phlegmatic - Sanguin
If you are interested in a temperament test, you can get one from my email address: ERNST.ZWIKER@YAHOO.COM.